Discount Lift Tickets are available for in-store purchase only.

It is quick and easy! Just stop by and we’ll have you on your way in minutes.



Window Price

Our Price

brighton We offer vouchers in store good for $8 off the purchase of lift tickets on Brighton’s website. You come into the store to pick up your voucher, then follow the instructions on the voucher to purchase your discounted lift ticket. The voucher will cost you nothing in store; you only pay when you purchase the ticket. N/A N/A
solitude Adult

Child (5-12)

$169weekday/$179 weekend holiday





Super Pass

Multi-day pass that is valid at Alta, Snowbird, Solitude & Brighton. A great way to sample the resorts of Little and Big Cottonwood Canyons. You have 13 days after using your first day to use the remaining days.   3 Day:

$474 (158/day)

4 Day:

$632 (158/day)