Get Your Bike Tuned Before Summer Adventures Start

Get Your Bike Tuned Before Summer Adventures Start | Canyon Sports

Ski and snowboarding season are rapidly winding down in Utah. For the team here at Canyon Sports, this means it’s time to start preparing for spring and summer. We have bike rentals on our minds. If you own a bike yourself, we hope you’ll consider us for a full tune up. Bike tunes are on […]

Our Tips for the Best Day of Spring Skiing Ever

Our Tips for the Best Day of Spring Skiing Ever

The official start of spring is just around the corner. By the time you read this post, spring 2024 might already be here. But here’s the great thing about skiing in Utah: it can easily go into June under the right conditions. Some people think spring is the best time to ski at our world-class […]

Skiing in Spring Corn – It Has Nothing to Do with Cereal Grains

Skiing in Spring Corn – It Has Nothing to Do with Cereal Grains

Mention spring corn and most people will think of that delicious yellow cereal grain that tastes so good with butter and salt. But to a skier, skiing in spring corn has nothing to do with dinner. It has nothing to do with cereal grains. Spring corn is a unique kind of snow formed by a […]

The Skier Responsibility Code: It is a Real Thing

We get to have some fantastic conversations with customers who visit Canyon Sports looking to rent skis in Utah. One of the more recent conversations involves something known as the Skier Responsibility Code. Yes, it is a real thing. It is an official code that all the major ski resorts follow and enforce. It’s not […]

Tips for Utah Visitors: Stay on the Trail to Avoid Tree Wells

Tips for Utah Visitors: Stay on the Trail to Avoid Tree Wells

While over on the Ski Utah website looking for information about the Skier Responsibility Code, we ran across a post discussing tree wells. You can read it here if you like. It is a fantastic post and one we would like to talk about here on our website. If you are a visitor to Utah […]

As Skis Have Evolved, So Has the Sport and Our Understanding of It

As Skis Have Evolved, So Has the Sport and Our Understanding of It

As we approach the end of the 2023-2024 Utah ski season, thoughts of ski and snowboard tunes are gradually being replaced by planning for how we are going to store our equipment over the spring and summer. This time of the year makes both casual skiers and hardcore enthusiasts nostalgic about the early days of […]

How to Get Ready for Your Very First Family Ski Lesson

How to Get Ready for Your Very First Family Ski Lesson

Among the many things to love about skiing and snowboarding is the fact that new fans can get involved at just about any time during the season. As long as there is snow on the ground, resorts are giving lessons and selling lift tickets. If you are planning a visit to Utah in the near […]

It’s Never Too Late for Daily Ski Rental

It's Never Too Late for Daily Ski Rental

With Utah’s winter now in full swing, the slopes are busier than ever. Canyon Sports customers interested in seasonal rentals got hooked up with their skis and snowboards back in October. These days, daily rentals are what it’s all about. It’s never too late for daily ski rentals, by the way. As long as the resorts are operating, we have skis and snowboards ready to go.

Pro Skiing and Snowboarding Tip for Beginners: Dress in Layers

Pro Skiing and Snowboarding Tip for Beginners: Dress in Layers

Our favorite skiing and snowboarding tip for beginners is to come out to Canyon Sports for both rentals and ski and snowboard tunes. But that goes without saying. So in order to be helpful, we’ve created this post to address another pro tip for beginners: dress in layers whenever you’re on the slopes.

Why Foot Position Matters So Much to Snowboarding

Why Foot Position Matters So Much to Snowboarding

The position of one’s feet relative to the edges of a snowboard is one of the most critical aspects to snowboarding enjoyment and safety. But given the fact that foot position – also known as stance – varies from one rider to the next, bindings are usually adjustable.